Saturday, March 16, 2013

The Pope?

So let me ask all you people... what the heck is wrong with the Pope?

Not the new one... although he seems to be missing a lung or two. I'm talking about Pope Benedict XVI, the sixteenth of his name, the man who led the Roman Catholic Church into some really serious shit.

Let's look at the rap list of embarrassments that happened during our erstwhile clueless pontiff's watch:

  • Vatileaks - this huge scandal was probably the breaking point of why poor Benedict fell off his horse. Secret Popey memos about Church corruption, bribes, secret deals and one hell of a media shitstorm. Oh, and the butler did it.
  •  Happy, Happy Cardinals - and do note that the first "happy" is quite literal while the second "happy" is a euphemism. Apparently, them Cardinals like taking nice long baths with... other Cardinals. Of the manly type. Or maybe manly backscrubbers. Oh, yes, happy days (and nights)!
  • Condoms for One, for All! - Probably the only Pope in history to promote the use of condoms, a bold move when the church traditionally frowns upon the use of contraceptives. As a certified conservative, the Pope's move was almost revolutionary... until he backtracked on it and put his foot in his mouth.
  • Children are the World's Treasures - and apparently, moreso a priest's treasure. Under our dear Pope, hundreds of priest child abuse victims crawled out of the woodwork, with stories of mafia-style "settlement contracts" being thrown left and right with the Pope's blessings.
It's no wonder why, in the grand scheme of things, Benedict was the first Pope in centuries to resign from his post. Rumors abound, saying that our dear Pope Emeritus had extremely weak leadership skills. It's fair game to hypothesize that this particular Pope couldn't keep his cardinals and bishops and oh yes butler on a tight leash, so they probably ended up doing a lot of infighting and political maneuvering during his reign. 

This is probably the greatest headache of a schism the Church has had in modern times, and being a manager who leads hundreds of people daily, I know that it's an incredible lot of stress to have to deal with these kinds of bickering underlings day in and day out. 

And what is the main reason why people resign from their jobs? It's stress. Yeah, usually people say it's their boss, but what exactly does a bad boss do to an otherwise good employee? Oh yeah. He causes him a lot of stress! 

There's no doubt that the previous Pope ducked out as he wasn't able to take the heat. But then, sometimes, I think that this is the real reason why the Pope left was a great career move:

Credit to the original picture creator

Seriously people, what's wrong with this picture? Well nothing about this picture... but the picture of the Church at large and how it's supposed to be leading a fourth of the world's population...

It's bleak. 

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